Вибір хронік Interlude+ (1692)Interlude (1317)High Five (1294)Essence (563)Classic (213)Epilogue (192)C1-C4 (71)Fafurion (32)Grand Crusade (32)Homunculus (29)Return Queen Ant+ (30)Gracia Final (17)Freya (17)Helios (16)GoD (13)Age of Magic (6)
Нові Сервери L2 MultiProff skillessence.fun x2 Essence СЬОГОДНІ L2Logo-Faction x9000 Interlude 01.03.2025
Сервера L2 MultiProff multi-essence.com x10 Essence 21.02.2025 DRACONIC.CLUB x3 High Five 21.02.2025 l2low.ru x77 High Five 19.02.2025 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 16.02.2025 xessence.fun x7 Essence 15.02.2025 multireborn x5 High Five 14.02.2025 pwessence.fun x10 Essence 08.02.2025 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 02.02.2025 adensaga x2 High Five 01.02.2025 xessence.fun x7 Essence 01.02.2025 The Last Hero x100 High Five 31.01.2025 LINOVA Multiproff x10 Interlude+ 31.01.2025 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 26.01.2025 xessence.fun x7 Essence 25.01.2025 pwessence.fun x10 Essence 18.01.2025 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 12.01.2025 xessence.fun x7 Essence 11.01.2025 L2RDM (MULTI) x6 Interlude+ 04.01.2025 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 04.01.2025 The Last Hero x3 High Five 03.01.2025 pwessence.fun x10 Essence 29.12.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 28.12.2024 DOUBLE-PROF x50 Interlude+ 27.12.2024 pwessence.fun x10 Essence 22.12.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 21.12.2024 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 20.12.2024 pwessence.fun x10 Essence 15.12.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 14.12.2024 multi-classic.top x50 Classic 13.12.2024 devils-phoenix x30 Age of Magic 13.12.2024 La2astri.ru x77 High Five 11.12.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 07.12.2024 WAR OF SOULS x3 Interlude+ 06.12.2024 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 01.12.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 30.11.2024 skillessence.fun x2 Essence 24.11.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 23.11.2024 The Last Hero x3 High Five 20.11.2024 pwessence.fun x10 Essence 17.11.2024 xessence.fun x7 Essence 16.11.2024